Integrity, Expertise, Teamwork
Zenetex, pronounced ze-`net-iks, specializes in management and technology support services.
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Moving to www.gov2x.com

Thank you for visiting the Zenetex website. This site will be decommissioned on January 31, 2023. This transition is occurring as a result of Vectrus acquiring Zenetex and then merging with The Vertex Company to form V2X in 2022. V2X is a leading provider of critical mission solutions and support to defense clients globally. Please visit the new V2X website at www.gov2x.com to learn more about V2X Capabilities: Operations and Logistics, Technology, Training, and Aerospace and Aviation.

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Connect With Us
Address: 2445 M Street NW, Suite 900 | Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (703) 657-0377